In my car.

In my car.

I was sifting through my albums to fill my CD changer in my newly purchased car and I unintentionally picked all music from Atlanta bands/musicians.  I guess this isn’t too far fetched since I am so immersed in Atlanta music but I still found it amusing.  I thought I would share what I have been listening to, some I have written and/or raved about before and some you might not have heard.  Some of these albums I graciously received from the bands or purchased at their shows.

Basement Banshees – Basement Banshees is a female fronted, piano-driven, indie pop band. Why can’t we watch more TV? is so much fun to listen to, especially “Night Terrors” which sounds like it would fit perfectly in a 007 film.

Under White Pines – I received a hand-made and packaged album from Adam Laidlaw a.k.a. Under White Pines at a random show. He writes and plays soul searching acoustic folk tunes.  It was recently revealed that a full band was formed to support Adam, which includes members from other amazing Atlanta bands, Sleepy Genes and Damon Moon & The Whispering Drifters.   Look out for more from them as they recently recorded new music including their newest track “Eskimo”, which you can listen/watch the video HERE!

Damon Moon & The Whispering Drifters – Since I acquired the album Lungs, Dirt, and Dreams back in February it has not left my car and was blissfully played through my speakers a countless number of times.  When listening to this album,  I feel the smoke in my lungs, the dirt physically and mentally, and dreams that weren’t quite achieved.  There are songs stricken with grief, sounds of sorrow, and somber notes making it reveal a lot about one’s self yet allows the listener to rise above the hurt. I would consider it one of my favorite albums of the year so far.

Odist – Odist, a post rock trio, is one of my favorite bands to see live here in the city and this year alone I have seen them five glorious times.  This two song EP was also given to me graciously at a random show by their talented and amazing drummer Sarah Wilson.  Take a listen and it is just a little taste of a new album to come.
Cloudeater Sun and Sidearm was released last year and still has not grown old to me at all.  It’s one of those albums that I was instantly connected to and won’t be easily forgotten.  I have spoken highly about Cloudeater and their music abilities before so I will let the album speak for itself. Listen and love.  Cloudeater is currently working on a new album and have been playing new songs at their shows including two songs that I love listen/watch HERE and HERE. 

The Mad Flight – I have written about Break, Heart; Break! before but I will add that it’s a solid album that gets better with every listen.  Atlanta is filled with so much talent and I’m truly grateful to have access to great amounts of diverse and creative music.
Side note: Yes, I still listen to CD’s and there is a ton of Atlanta music I listen to digitally.  I just wanted to highlight what I keep in my car when I don’t have access to other media sources.






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